Who is Who in the Dance of Love
A pair with like shapes is dancing in a warm pool o friendly colors.
This print was printed with three seperate plates on acidfree ragpaper and plays on the idea of falling in and out of love – with another, with one self…
Special Offer! This print is now available as open edition Fine Art Print on acidfree Hahnemühle Paper,
set in a broken white passepartout in a maple frame behind Museumsglas for now only 650.- Euro.
Along with a signed certificate of authenticity.
Free Packaging and Shiping within Europe.
Endsize in the framed version approximately 60 x 90 cm.
750,00 €
10 vorrätig
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Artikelnummer: PP-dance-of-love-01
Kategorien: Editionen, Pigmentprint